We can all be Amelie!!
I wish I could demonstrate to everyone how beautiful it feels to be alive and healthy…We are living complicated…challenging times...and I think we should remind ourselves what really matters…even when that sounds cliché…and we all need to find our own ways to cope with our anxiety…Some days I struggle myself and I get overwhelmed by work, by the future’s uncertainty…but more than ever I am learning to cherish every lovely little thing which comes my way…that can be that hour spent having tea with a dear friend…or the fact that I managed to come to the end of my barres class without mentally swearing…that can be the smile of that old man I hold the door for…or even that meal I took the time to cook to myself…
We need to man up -or woman up 😉- and tell people who matter to us that we love them…that simple action -which is not that simple for most human beings- can enlighten their day…even their week…and you will yourself feel so good about it…
This month is Pink October month…and that was also Mental Health day last week…for both causes, awareness must be increased obviously…but they also both require to reflect much more on ourselves in order to find that internal peace which then allows us to be there for the persons who go through difficult times…whatever those hard times are…
Two years ago I was addicted to feeling busy…to work…to dinners…to “friends” -who, I discovered for most of them, were not friends at all…to travels…and so, I sometimes neglected my family, my dear friends, but also maybe that neighbour, who might have felt so lonely, and who, just by exchanging few words with me in the corridor could have felt cheered up…but more than anything else, I neglected myself: my little strong body which I was not taking care of, my crazy brain which I was keeping asleep…keeping myself busy was a way to avoid thinking…to avoid realising that the life I was living was going nowhere except to self-destruction…And today, after all those months of struggle and of hours spent by myself…I am still learning a lot about myself every day…however, I feel more and more balanced…I am smiling from my tummy -not sure that makes sense but you know what I mean 😊…and that doesn’t stop here…I have also more space to think of what I can do differently in order to feel even better, of what my next steps could be…but also I am much more inclined to see that that old woman living across the street struggles to do her food shopping every day or to feel that that friend is not in a good place since few weeks…and therefore, I am much more inclined to do something about it by proposing to the old woman to order online food shopping for her and by making the effort to reach out to that friend…and sometimes, that can change the course of the day, of the week or even of the life of that person…
So, please, wake up with me -not an indecent proposal here 😉- and let’s start making the world a better place for you, for me and therefore for others!!!!